This document describes the procedure to generate certificates which have to be uploaded with every fresh installation of AMP Virtual Private Cloud (VPC). With the introduction of AMP Private Cloud 3.X, hostnames and certificate/key pairs are required for all of the following services:
Here, we will discuss a quick way to generate and upload the required certificates. You may tweak each of the parameters, including the hashing algorithm, key size, and others, as per your organization's policy, and your mechanism of generating these certificates might not match with what is detailed here.
Common OpenSSL Commands with Keys and Certificates. Generate RSA private key with certificate in a single command openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -sha256 -keyout example.key -out example.crt -subj '/' -days 3650 -passout pass:foobar Generate Certificate Signing Request (CSR) from private key with passphrase.
Self-Signed Certificate Generator. Self-signed ssl certificates can be used to set up temporary ssl servers. You can use it for test and development servers where security is not a big concern. Use the form below to generate a self-signed ssl certificate and key. Generate online private and public key for ssh, putty, github, bitbucket Save both of keys on your computer (text file, dropbox, evernote etc)!!! The generated keys are RANDOM and CAN'T be restored. You can create keys without creating an account.
Cisco recommends that you have knowledge of these topics:
The information in this document is based on these software and hardware versions:
Warning: The procedure mentioned below can vary as per your CA server configuration. It is expected that the CA server of your choice is already provisioned and the configuration of the same has been completed. The following technote just describes an example of generating the certificates and Cisco TAC will not be involved in troubleshooting issues related to certificate generation and/or CA server issues of any kind.
Ensure that the following roles are installed and configured on your Windows Server.
Step 1. Navigate to MMC console, and add the Certificates snap-in for your computer account as shown in the image here.
Step 2. Drill down Certificates (Local Computer) > Personal > Certificates.
Step 3. Right click on the empty space and select All Tasks > Advanced Operations > Create Custom Request
Step 4. Click Next at the Enrollment window.
Step 5. Select your certificate enrollment policy and click Next.
Step 6. Choose the template as Web Server and click Next.
Step 7. If your 'Web Server' template has been configured correctly and is available for enrollment, you will see the status as 'Available' here. Click 'Details' to expand click on Properties.
Step 8. At a minimum, add the CN and DNS attributes. The rest of the attributes can be added as per your security requirements.
Step 9. Optionally, give a Friendly Name under the General tab.
Step 10. Click on the PrivateKey tab and ensure that you're enabling Make private key exportable under the Key Options section.
Step 11. Finally, click on OK. This should lead you to the Certificate Enrollment dialog from where you can click on Next.
Step 12. Browse to a location to save the .req file which will be submitted to the CA server for signing.
Step 1. Navigate to your MS AD Certificate Services Web Page as below and click 'Request a Certificate'
Step 2. Click on the advanced certificate request link.
Step 3. Click on Submit a certificate request by using a base-64-encoded CMC or PKCS #10 file, or submit a renewal request by using a base-64-encoded PKCS #7 file.
Step 4. Open the contents of the previously saved .req file (CSR) via Notepad. Copy the contents and paste it here. Ensure that the Certificate Template is selected as Web Server
Step 5. Finally, click on Submit.
Step 6. At this point, you should be able to Download the certificate as shown in the image here.
Step 1. Install the certificate into your Certificate Store by opening the .cer file and clicking on Install Certificate.
Step 2. Navigate to the MMC snap-in that was selected earlier.
Step 3. Navigate to the store where the certificate was installed.
Step 4. Right click the correct certificate, select All Tasks > Export.
Step 5. At the Certificate Export Wizard, confirm to export the private key as shown in the image.
Step 6. Enter a password and click Next to save the private key on your disk.
Step 7. This will save the private key in .PFX format, however, this needs to be converted to .PEM format to use this with AMP VPC.
Step 8. Install OpenSSL libraries from here:
Step 9. Open a command prompt window and change to the directory where you installed OpenSSL.
Step 10. Run the following command to extract the private key and save it to a new file: (If your PFX file is not in the same path as where the OpenSSL library is stored, you will have to specify the exact path along with the filename)
Step 11. Now run the following command to also extract the public cert and save it to a new file:
Ensure that the Linux server that you're trying to generate the required certificates has the OpenSSL libraries installed. Verifying if this and the procedure listed below will vary from the Linux distribution that you're running. This portion has been documented, as done on a CentOS 7 server.
Step 1. Generate the Private Key for Root CA certificate
Step 2. Generate the CA certificate
Create the certificate for Authentication, Console, Disposition, Disposition-Extended, Update server, Firepower Management Center(FMC) service as per the DNS name entry. You need to repeat below certificate generate process for each service (Authentication, Console etc.)
Replace the <example.key> with actual certificate key such as Auth-Cert.key.
Replace the <example.csr> with actual certificate CSR such as Auth-Cert.csr
Replace <example.csr>, <example.crt> with actual certificate CSR and certificate name
Step 1. Once the certificates are generated from any of the above methods, upload the corresponding certificate for each of the services. If they have been generated correctly, all the check marks are enabled as seen in the image here.
There is currently no verification procedure available for this configuration.
There is currently no specific troubleshooting information available for this configuration.