The adapter module is configured under the “modules” tab of the SAP PI sender adapter. Key Management for Advantco PGP Modules. The Advantco OpenPGP adapter modules can access PGP keys from two locations, the Netweaver J2EE Database of the SAP PI System or directly from the local file server of PI. “PGP Keys” Other PI related prerequisites will apply PGP Keys The ASCII Armored PGP keys can be created by using the steps mentioned the wiki As of now, SAP Netweaver‟s key storage does not support PGP keys. So it needs to be stored in file system where PI is installed.
Hi Shabarish,
Thanks for two great blogs regarding the possibilities of the PGPEncryption/PGPDecryption. These are two modules, which SAP has neglected for far too long and finally they are here.
One thing I really don’t understand is why SAP cannot make up its mind on where to store certificates. In most configurations in PI the certificates are stored and accessed – in my mind correctly – in the keystore of the JEE and then we see this exception. Why would they choose to store the certificates for such a vital thing as this in the filesystem? It really bugs me that SAP hasn’t made an effort in streamlining handling of certificates towards using the keystore.
Anyways, I was doing a bit of searching for the documentation on how to setup PGP and SFTP, but have not been able to find it. I would appreciate if you could maybe post a link to where SAP is hiding this documentation.
Best regards,