Trigger Primary Key Generation On Update Mysql 3,7/5 5026 votes

This must be a BEFORE trigger because the value must be checked before it is used to update the row: mysql delimiter // mysql CREATE TRIGGER updcheck BEFORE UPDATE ON account FOR EACH ROW BEGIN IF NEW.amount 100 THEN SET NEW.amount = 100; END IF; END;// mysql delimiter. However, just as for stored routines, if you use the mysql program to define a trigger that executes multiple statements, it is necessary to redefine the mysql statement delimiter so that you can use the; statement delimiter within the trigger definition. The following example illustrates these points.

Value generation patterns

There are three value generation patterns that can be used for properties:

  • No value generation
  • Value generated on add
  • Value generated on add or update

No value generation

No value generation means that you will always supply a valid value to be saved to the database. This valid value must be assigned to new entities before they are added to the context.

Value generated on add

Value generated on add means that a value is generated for new entities.

Depending on the database provider being used, values may be generated client side by EF or in the database. If the value is generated by the database, then EF may assign a temporary value when you add the entity to the context. This temporary value will then be replaced by the database generated value during SaveChanges().

If you add an entity to the context that has a value assigned to the property, then EF will attempt to insert that value rather than generating a new one. A property is considered to have a value assigned if it is not assigned the CLR default value (null for string, 0 for int, Guid.Empty for Guid, etc.). For more information, see Explicit values for generated properties.


How the value is generated for added entities will depend on the database provider being used. Database providers may automatically setup value generation for some property types, but others may require you to manually setup how the value is generated.

For example, when using SQL Server, values will be automatically generated for GUID properties (using the SQL Server sequential GUID algorithm). However, if you specify that a DateTime property is generated on add, then you must setup a way for the values to be generated. One way to do this, is to configure a default value of GETDATE(), see Default Values.

Value generated on add or update

Value generated on add or update means that a new value is generated every time the record is saved (insert or update).

Like value generated on add, if you specify a value for the property on a newly added instance of an entity, that value will be inserted rather than a value being generated. It is also possible to set an explicit value when updating. For more information, see Explicit values for generated properties.


How the value is generated for added and updated entities will depend on the database provider being used. Database providers may automatically setup value generation for some property types, while others will require you to manually setup how the value is generated.

For example, when using SQL Server, byte[] properties that are set as generated on add or update and marked as concurrency tokens, will be setup with the rowversion data type - so that values will be generated in the database. However, if you specify that a DateTime property is generated on add or update, then you must setup a way for the values to be generated. One way to do this, is to configure a default value of GETDATE() (see Default Values) to generate values for new rows. You could then use a database trigger to generate values during updates (such as the following example trigger).

Value generated on add

By convention, non-composite primary keys of type short, int, long, or Guid are set up to have values generated for inserted entities, if a value isn't provided by the application. Your database provider typically takes care of the necessary configuration; for example, a numeric primary key in SQL Server is automatically set up to be an IDENTITY column.

You can configure any property to have its value generated for inserted entities as follows:


This just lets EF know that values are generated for added entities, it does not guarantee that EF will setup the actual mechanism to generate values. See Value generated on add section for more details.

Default values

/avast-internet-security-license-key-generator.html. On relational databases, a column can be configured with a default value; if a row is inserted without a value for that column, the default value will be used.

You can configure a default value on a property:

You can also specify a SQL fragment that is used to calculate the default value:

Specifying a default value will implicitly configure the property as value generated on add.

Value generated on add or update



This just lets EF know that values are generated for added or updated entities, it does not guarantee that EF will setup the actual mechanism to generate values. See Value generated on add or update section for more details.

Computed columns

On some relational databases, a column can be configured to have its value computed in the database, typically with an expression referring to other columns:


In some cases the column's value is computed every time it is fetched (sometimes called virtual columns), and in others it is computed on every update of the row and stored (sometimes called stored or persisted columns). This varies across database providers.

No value generation

Disabling value generation on a property is typically necessary if a convention configures it for value generation. For example, if you have a primary key of type int, it will be implicitly set configured as value generated on add; you can disable this via the following:

Summary: this tutorial introduces you to MySQL UUID, shows you to use it as the primary key (PK) for a table, and discusses the pros and cons of using it as the primary key.

Introduction to MySQL UUID

UUID stands for Universally Unique IDentifier. UUID is defined based on RFC 4122, “a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) URN Namespace).

UUID is designed as a number that is unique globally in space and time. Two UUID values are expected to be distinct, even they are generated on two independent servers.

In MySQL, a UUID value is a 128-bit number represented as a utf8 string of five hexadecimal numbers in the following format:

To generate UUID values, you use the UUID() function as follows:

The UUID() function returns a UUID value in compliance with UUID version 1 described in the RFC 4122.

For example, the following statement uses the UUID() function to generate a UUID value:

MySQL UUID vs. Auto-Increment INT as primary key


Using UUID for a primary key brings the following advantages:

  • UUID values are unique across tables, databases, and even servers that allow you to merge rows from different databases or distribute databases across servers.
  • UUID values do not expose the information about your data so they are safer to use in a URL. For example, if a customer with id 10 accesses his account via URL, it is easy to guess that there is a customer 11, 12, etc., and this could be a target for an attack.
  • UUID values can be generated anywhere that avoid a round trip to the database server. It also simplifies logic in the application. For example, to insert data into a parent table and child tables, you have to insert into the parent table first, get generated id and then insert data into the child tables. By using UUID, you can generate the primary key value of the parent table up front and insert rows into both parent and child tables at the same time within a transaction.


Besides the advantages, UUID values also come with some disadvantages:

  • Storing UUID values (16-bytes) takes more storage than integers (4-bytes) or even big integers(8-bytes).
  • Debugging seems to be more difficult, imagine the expression WHERE id = 'df3b7cb7-6a95-11e7-8846-b05adad3f0ae' instead of WHERE id = 10
  • Using UUID values may cause performance issues due to their size and not being ordered.

MySQL UUID solution

In MySQL, you can store UUID values in a compact format (BINARY) and display them in human-readable format (VARCHAR) with help of the following functions:

Notice that UUID_TO_BIN(), BIN_TO_UUID(), and IS_UUID() functions are only available in MySQL 8.0 or later.

The UUID_TO_BIN() function converts a UUID from a human-readable format (VARCHAR) into a compact format (BINARY) format for storing and the BIN_TO_UUID() function converts UUID from the compact format (BINARY)to human-readable format (VARCHAR) for displaying.

The IS_UUID() function returns 1 if the argument is a valid string-format UUID. If the argument is not valid string format UUID, the IS_UUID function returns 0. In case the argument is NULL, the IS_UUID() function returns NULL.

The following are the valid string-format UUID in MySQL:

MySQL UUID example

Let’s take a look at an example of using UUID as the primary key.

Mysql Trigger Insert Update

The following statement creates a new table named customers:

Trigger Primary Key Generation On Update Mysql Free

To insert UUID values into the id column, you use UUID() and UUID_TO_BIN() functions as follows:

To query data from a UUID column, you use BIN_TO_UUID() function to convert binary format to human-readable format:

Mysql No Primary Key

In this tutorial, you have learned about MySQL UUID and how to use it for the primary key column.

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